June 04, 2005

we love to eat.

UGH. just erased my entry when i downloaded macromedia. what is UP with that?!

on with it, then. well you know K's mom is in town, and last night after work i met them in chinatown, where i bought a new pair of shoes because the oens i got last week turned out to be too small. boo. but yay for new ones. boo for them not having the multi-colored beaded ones, though. i got silver. ah well.

then we drove over to magnolia bakery and got some cupcakes. dear GOD those things are good. so if you live here or near here, and you've never been, now's your chance. i urge you to go, and then we can talk about how the buttercream icing melts in your mouth, mmmkay?

today we're gonna head over to the chip shop for lunch and then hopefully make it by a few dessert shops later. (K's mom LOVES sweets.)

check THIS out! it's colette's cakes, these things are amazing!

ok, i've gotta run, but here are some of the fun names i came across while on my filing stint over the last couple of weeks (i've been extended through tuesday or wednesday by the way):

J. Wrigglesworth
S. Sex
J. Kakebeeke
E. Knuti
J. Sourbeer
S. Smelley
John E. Koobe

i like fun names. i don't really like my name. i don't know why, because most other people seem to like it, but it's just always been kind of annoying to me. what i DO like about it is that it's different. i've hardly met anyone else named Gayla. ever. just a couple. so that's nice. unique. like me.

wish me good parking karma today...

blueavenue at 11:35 a.m.

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