June 02, 2005

i'm so reckless. and stuff.

i just spilled hot tea on myself. i thought about suing mcdonald's, but then i realized i got the tea from the office pantry. so that's a no-go. lol.

i'm about to head off to the file room for the next [fill in the blank] hours, and i am stalling as long as possible, because i suck like that. and i'm tired. and my best friend's mom is coming in town later tonight, and she's staying with me (another story for another time), and my apartment is a DISASTER. like, seriously. i don't know how i let things get this bad. but you know, that's me. anal retentive about the weirdest things, none of which involves cleanliness. lol. i hate that about me. ah well. what's a girl to do?

p.s. i probably shouldn't be on the internet at work, but you know. whatev.

i have un cadeau to mail later today. whoo-hoo! i love packages, giving and getting. little gifts and packages, you can never get or give too many. whee!

ok i should REALLY go before someone notices i'm typing over here, and WHAT pray tell would i be typing? i file, i don't type. k great. bye now!

blueavenue at 10:01 a.m.

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