June 06, 2005

workin' on a coal mine, goin' down-downtown...

why in the world does the word "people" have an "o" in it? the English language is completely ridiculous. i'm gonna boycott.

i had a busy, action-packed (read: food-packed) weekend. i ate myself under the table, and when i thought i couldn't eat anymore, i did. and THEN, when i ACTUALLY couldn't eat anymore, i watched a t.v. show about food on the Food Network. because i am one wild and crazy gal like that.

the new (final-shed a tear) season of Six Feet Under starts tonight (9 pm/8 central), and it comes with some bittersweet feelings. i have most likely mentioned this once or twice before, as i am pretty obsessed with the show, as one should be. it is fantabulous, after all. i'll let ya know if it's all i hope it will be (and more).

i read this last night and laughed:

"Unfortunately, however, Olivia could not decide. She was plunged into the Land of Indecision, which she knew was a treacherous place where she could wander for days, increasingly lost in a maze of pros and cons and possibilities. The only way to escape was to make a decision--any decision--and then at least she could get out and see straight."

that's from Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination, which is by the author of Bridget Jones. it's a good book so far: i'm about halfway, i'd say. it's like half comic/half mystery, which is different. i like it well enough, for sure. but i am dying for the next harry potter. AND this past week (when K and i went to see the Traveling Pants movie--don't laugh, it was cute) i saw the trailer for the next MOVIE that comes out in november. GET excited. it's thrilling, i swear.

i wish i had something of some consequence to say. last night i added up all my medical bills, and they come to a little over $600. um, boo? like, dude. i don't have$600? and stuff. i'll figure something out.

i may have an interview for a real estate job on roosevelt island that pays between 35-40 K. i told my temp lady i'd do just about anything to make that much money. (within reason.) shoot, i'd be livin' the high life (for me) if i got that job. plus, real estate: it's everywhere; transferrable skills/experience.

i am making a note here that i have decided to start taking pictures again with my crappy digital camera even though it's crappy, because i miss posting pictures. it's just not as much fun without the interactive aspect.

gotta go, i'm afraid of typing this at work...i'm a bad person. lol. ok, not really at all.

i'm starting a diet tomorrow. see? now that i've said that, if i cheat and don't lose weight, it's documented that i've failed.


blueavenue at 3:22 p.m.

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