June 07, 2005

that rambling thing i do so well and some IM conversations.

well hi.

i started my diet today. i'm going to have to will myself not to write out my menu from each day, because in all honesty, it's close to all i think about. calories and what comes next. the next meal. the next snack. fruit. boca burgers. etc. etc. schmetcetera.

if you knew how much i weigh, you'd want to punch me for "dieting," but i have the tiniest bone structure ever and am extremely short, so i'm meant to weigh less and stuff. i'm not going to put how much i weigh, K? point is, i just need to lose a few pounds around the middle. i'm going to be wearing a bikini in a few weeks. ack! i just realized this! this whole time i've decided to diet because of the stupid wedding, and DUH! bikini! oh well. so hopefully my belly/love handles will...shrink? poop.

so a few weeks ago K and i bought FL Studio (previously known as Fruity Loops), and though i've downloaded it, i haven't even beGUN to try to figure it out, cuz i have been so stinking busy/tired. ugh. i REALLY need to sit down and devote a decent block of time to it, though, because it's returnable before 30 days. sigh. writing music would be great. performing the music that was written would also be great.

there's some weird hindi music playing on the t.v. right now. how odd.

im conversation between me and K:

K: "the English language serves no purpose." i'm not sure that's true.
ME: i didn't say the english LANguage serves no purpose, i said the O in "people" serves no purpose.
K: well a LOT of things serve no purpose...
ME: like what?
K: like...my butt fat.

LOL i am kuh-RACK-ing up right now. she slays me. seriously. last night she left a message on my answering machine that had me laughing for about 6 minutes with only small lapses in between spurts. she didn't actually SAY anything, that's the kicker. she sang this crazy made up tune using only one syllable: it sounded something like "beh." but she held out these ridiculously long notes, and then, just when she'd stop, and i thought she was gonna hang up, she start in again. it was freaking hiLARious. ahhh. laughter. perhaps you had to be there. i'm not sure. but if you HAD been there, i'm sure you would've been DYING, just like me.

tomorrow may be my last day at this job, i'm not sure yet. this shit just keeps going on and ON. tomorrow one of my (two) tasks consists of putting labels (which i made today) onto to file folders, inserting papers to be filed INTO the folders, and then filing them. it should be mega-thrilling, as most of my life these days IS, if you hadn't noticed. and if you haven't noticed how thrilling my life is these days, i'm officially worried about you. cuz it's DADGUM thrilling, jerk!

thursday night i'm getting my hair color "corrected" HERE. yes. it is expensive. but they are color corrective EXPERTS, people. who am i to question that?

well, i was about to post some pics, but i can't find the dadgum USB to connect my camera to the computer. such is life.

i went by the fossil store by my job today to see if they had THIS watch in stock, but they don't. neither does the fossil store at the Queens Center Mall by my house. damn, you people! but anyway, there's another one that just came in that i really want, but i can't find it on the website. it has a mesh band (i LOVE mesh bands) and a rectangular face, and it fastens like a belt. looks at THIS one. how cute?!

another IM convo:

K: i want everything and it doesn't seem like i can have it. that frustrates me...how nice would it be if everything were a little more planned in the predestined sense? why in the world isn't it more rational?
ME: i have NO clue. but it sucks.
a lot of things suck, i'm learning.
K: you would think the yonder would be like, ooh, these two are ready. they both have careers and are ready to settle down. GO! not, well this one doesn't know who in the world she wants to be and couldn't be in a more unstable place right now, and this guy who has a career is on a power-control trip and has low self-esteem. Perfect!...
...ME: damn. life makes me crazy...or MY craziness makes me crazy. hard to say.
K: hmmm, lol. i'm gonna go with B.
ME: yeah, you're prolly right. heh.
K: it's okay. me too. no matter what shit we go through, we'll always be crazy together...

ahhhh, good friends bein' crazy. together. good night. over and out.

blueavenue at 9:19 p.m.

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