August 26, 2004

one of the very few things that sets me off...

is being called a liar. don't EVER call me a liar if you want to be my friend. being called a liar brings out the worst in me, and i get very angry. i NEVER get angry, i mean almost never. but if you want to see me angry, just try it. i don't know why i hate it so much, maybe because i don't lie. other than little white lies to protect people's feelings, you know? i am maybe the most honest person i know, in fact. but for some reason, people often think i. am. lying. which i'm NOT, and i get really, really mad that they think i am. i kind of went off on the chefs tonight, and it was obvious they didn't see it coming at all because i'm usually so stinking nice. being stinking nice gets you crapped on though, doesn't it? that's a lesson you'll learn really fast when you move to New York. i like being nice, because it usually means people like me, but one of these days my niceness is going to be the end of me. sigh.

i really have so much running through my mind right now that i don't know what to write.

look, i have a double chin:

my brain is like a twister, and it can't stop long enough to focus on one thought. i hate that.

i love this shirt:

things i've needed to do for the last month but haven't because i'm too consumed w/working and sleeping (when i'm not working):

1) order a boxspring so i can set up my bed like a normal person and stop sleeping on my (very expensive) mattress on the floor

2) finish writing my last few thank you notes from graduation (yeah, i know, i still haven't sent them all, and that was in JUNE-i'm horrible)

3) and mail them

4) open a bank account so i can stop hoarding my cash tips in my curious george lunch pail

5) get my freaking car fixed

6) return my crap to the performing arts library in the City

7) go to the grocery store

that's all i can think of right now.

i did accomplish one "to do" today.

i bought some tux pants for work. see that? FOR WORK. makes me wanna scream.

i can't wait to go to dallas for the state fair. YAY fletcher's corny dogs! and yay from having off 4 days from work and not even having to think about it.

this is me in the intramurals t-shirt that i bought and wore (and still wear) even though i never played one intramural sport, not once, not ever. heh. that's funny. here it is:

have a nice day. i can't wait until friday, when my weekend starts.

blueavenue at 1:43 a.m.

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