August 27, 2004

i love Full House.

i made 55 dollars last night. this makes me sad, very sad. i had one table of 4 europeans who bought 2 bottles of wine, and at first i got excited because their bill was up to like $175 or something like that, but then i remembered they were europeans. and europeans don't tip well. nothing personal, it's just a fact (possibly a stereotype, but usually a fact). and i was right; they only left me $13. but at least i was prepared for it. it's much worse when you spend a lot of time talking to a table, socializing, schmoozing, thinking, these people like me. they are amused by me. just wait for this tip. and then they leave you crap. that's worse.

but anyway. i had a table of a mother and daughter last night and we talked for like 2 hours because i only had one other table the whole time (the europeans). it was at the end of the night, and i probably could have blown them off and folded napkins and gotten out of there earlier, but i liked talking to them. and it made me think: now why can't i ever meet nice, smart girls like this: normal people who can hold intelligent, interesting conversations about nothing in particular. ??? i must be in the wrong places, because the people i meet are not any of these things.

this morning i drove kristen to work so i can get the car fixed today, and we had a conversation about how you don't realize how much smarter you are than most people until you deal with them on a one-on-one basis and they're really confused and you're like, wait a minute. this is not confusing. i don't think this sounds offensive, but if it does, that's not what i mean. i may just be wording it wrong. oh well.

i bought like 7 different colored eye liners at CVS earlier. fun with eye makeup! whoo. OH, and while i was there, a woman was getting arrested for shoplifting, it was NUTS! the cashier (who had really cool piercings) told me she had a baby with her and she had stuffed like $50 worth of merchandise into the baby carriage and was trying to blame it on the kid. the cashier was very unhappy about her subjecting this to the kid. she was like, "oh no, she's gotta go. you can't get a kid in the middle of this, oh no." it was cute. i totally hear that, though. as if kids don't have a hard enough time growing up. let's not make it any worse.

actually i was talking to those ladies last night about how i've never understood how people can steal. i mean, it's one thing if they're literally starving and they have no choice. but i mean people who steal stuff. other people's stuff that they don't even need. it has always been beyond my comprehension. it makes no sense to me. i don't know.

i should really get in the shower. i have a lot of errands to run before i pick up kristen at 4:00.

we may see a movie tonight. who knows?? there's also this cool pottery place in the city we've been wanting to go to. you know, you make something, paint it, they fire it for you. they serve wine, too, i think. in fact, thursday is ladies' night, and it's half-price, but i always work thursdays. boo.

i want to buy a nice camera. wouldn't that be cool?? too bad i have bills to pay. heh.

blueavenue at 12:26 p.m.

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