August 24, 2004

musical snobs of the world, unite!


tonight was one slow-ass night at work.

i had a great section, if only it had been on another night, when we actually have customers. i probably could've made a buck fifty, but only took home 88. oh well.

victor walked me home, which was nice, so i didn't have to take a cab. i hate taking cabs; i don't know why. it's only 5 bucks, but still. seems like such a waste for some reason. i remember when i first moved to New York, to Manhattan, i took cabs ALL the time. i mean MAN was i wasting my hard-earned cash on cab fare. finally one day i realized it, and ever since then i've been kind of a tight-ass when it comes to taking a cab versus walking. who knows? i'm weird.

i got a really pretty bouquet of flowers from andrew last night.

i also watched shakespeare in love yesterday, which i'd never seen, and i liked it. i don't know if it was just because joseph fiennes is INCREDIBLY HOT or if i actually liked it.

late last night i bit off all my fingernails. i don't know what came over me. about 6 months ago i stopped biting my fingernails, which was a bit miraculous in itself, but this is the 2nd time since then i've just bit them all off one night. but they seem to grow back pretty fast. whoops.

tonight at one of my tables were a man and a woman who do music. we chatted about standards and broadway shows and sang some of them, and the man gave me a copy of his band's cd. funny. i like musicians. maybe because i am one, but i like serious musicians. i don't like people who think they are musicians but aren't. that's because i'm a musical snob. like, really. i am such a snob. especially if i hear people talking about certain singers or bands or something and it's really obvious they don't really know anything about music. sometimes, if i'm feeling really snobby, i discreetly inform them of the truth, which also informs them that they don't know what they're talking about. heh heh. i don't know. maybe it's just because i spent 5 years learning all this crap, and very rarely do i have a chance to use the knowledge. maybe it's because i'm passionate about music and how it's made and singing correctly and people who have genuine talent. or maybe it's just because i'm a snob.

blueavenue at 12:29 a.m.

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