October 27, 2004

"you dream of what you never had"

did i mention that i still don't have a job? something about the 1st of the month approaching always brings us back to reality, i'm afraid.
i need a new template, but that's the least of my worries.
i'm listening to joseph arthur, and that makes me happy.
another happy note, i talked to my friend Eli tonight for the first time since our birthday (in March). i was writing tons of emails to people who have written me in the last 6 months that i've never answered (i'm really bad about returning emails, don't hold it against me), and i got to one from him, and i thought, hey--maybe i'll just call him. so i did. he was pretty surprised to hear from me, of course, but glad. he's a really cool, interesting person. i think all people who grew up in different places from me are interesting. i love hearing different perspectives on everything. life in general, and everyday things. i met Eli because he was friends with my cousins who live in Ohio. i haven't seen him in about...3 1/2 years, but we still email. i talk to him more than i talk to my cousins, which is sad! but sometimes you meet someone and it's like you've known them forever or something. i've only felt that way about a couple people in my life. one of them i don't talk to anymore, and that sucks, but there's only so much you can do to sustain a friendship that barely ever got off the ground, especially when you moved away before it could. and now it's kind of too late, i think. oh well. what am i talking about? who knows?

i could really use a scanner.


blueavenue at 2:13 a.m.

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