January 06, 2005

Some Resolutions, my dears.


some New Year's Resolutions for (the year of our Lord) 2005:

-start doing yoga/pilates regularly
-study for the GRE (and kick ass)
-apply to grad school for journalism and get accepted!
-get a job so that i can have at least a little pride/dignity
-organize my paperwork, my apartment, my life
-get a nice digital camera
-start building a new wardrobe that fits my personality (i don't like many of my clothes anymore!)
-see Damien Rice LIVE!
-have a voice lesson, work up a ballad and an uptempo, and go on at least one audition by my birthday (i mean, really; it's just not that scary)
-eat healthier (at least some of the time)
-keep in better touch with my siblings and my siblings-in-law
-REALLY clean my apartment once a week
-actually finish that short story i started eons ago (it's "short;" how difficult can it really be?)
-finish painting the walls and furniture in my apartment
-return the wrong-sized bedframe that's been leaning against the wall for months (good LORD)
-use my palm pilot (assuming i can get the HotSync to work again)
-go on a few decent dates with a few decent men and LIKE it (for the LOVE)

OK kids, that's all for now, i guess.

I've got me some sleeping to do so I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (did I really just SAY that?!) for my meeting at the hotel (job? what?) tomorrow. YEE.

p.s. I may have another friend hooked on the D-Land circuit (HI, KIM, i know you're reading this! haha!) I'm keeping my fingers crossed. heh.

blueavenue at 1:49 a.m.

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