January 07, 2005

often-used phrases and some good news.

i realized my Entries from 2003 weren't on my Archive page. they are now. enjoy. haha.


i am officially employed, and not at a temp agency! i am (don't all cheer at once, now) an employee at a hotel in midtown manhattan (but not times square, praise GOD), and i will be getting paid WAY too much ($15-16/hour) to check travelers into and out of their respective hotel rooms.

uh, Yay, capital why. Y. so i'm pretty pumped. i start monday morning. i'm a bit afraid i'm going to end up working the graveyard shift (do people still call it that?), as the HR director said, "Since you have the least seniority, you'll be working the hours that no one else wants." LOL. i almost laughed in her face, not out of disrespect, but because, though i hadn't thought that far, of course! sigh. but you know what i say (no, wait, you don't): money is money. is money. or something.

a few words/phrases i need to stop using so frequently:

- "or something." (my brain really thinks this thought a lot, but still. enough is enough.)
- "that's ridiculous." (it always is.)
- "i know, right?" (i'm such a nerd.)
- "quite" (it bugs K, who says to stop trying to talk 'British')
- "[the F word]," "what the [F word]," "[F word] off" (heh heh)
- "damn it all to hell." (often applicable, though, yes?)

OK, that's all I've got right now.

i went by B&N today while i was in the City in the hopes that they'd have some pocket Moleskines. after 20 minutes of looking and giving up, i headed over to the customer service desk to find out where the heck Rolling Stone was (turns out they were out. ?!), and there they were. in all their glory: an entire display, devoted only to them: the moleskines. ah. i called myquestions right away, as we had searched high and low in D.C. last weekend to no avail. so i bought 3. one to send to her and two for me, 'cos i'm stingy like that. and i go through them real quick-like.

i'm on page 500 (of 538) in Little, Big, and today on the train i read this passage:

It had all looked fearsome and strange, yet George said:
"I think I've been here. Before. [...]Only it seems--aren't we going the wrong way?"
"I can't imagine that," Auberon said.
"No," George said, "can't be..." Yet the feeling persisted, that they travelled back-toward and not away-from. It must be, he thought, that same disorientation he sometimes experienced emerging from the subway into an unfamiliar neighborhood, where he got uptown and downtown reversed, and could not make the island turn around in his mind and lie right, not the street-signs nor even the sun's position could dissuade him, as though he were caught in a mirror. "Well," he said, and shrugged.

perfect, i thought. ah. this is one great book. also one long book, but well worth the time. of course i haven't gotten to the end yet, and endings will sometimes throw me, change my mind. as long as it doesn't all turn out to be a dream. HA.

blueavenue at 12:39 a.m.

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