January 05, 2005

New Year's Eve pics!!

pics from new year's eve!!!

just us girls:

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me and H, lookin' hot:

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Deb and Jin gettin' down:

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we rock:

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deb and a bottle of champagne:

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OK, don't make fun; it's hard to look sexy when you're drunk:

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not much better:

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I have, however, decided that Kir Royales are THE drink, as I felt pretty damn good when I woke up on New Year's Day. No hangover, nope. And let me just tell ya, that I had A LOT of them the night before. So from now on, no vodka for me, no siree. =) [My Mom's gonna be so disappointed I used the word 'drunk' to describe myself, but never fear Mom: I was in good hands.] =) is it just me, or was that entire paragraph written using proper capitalized letters? where did that come from? weird.

also, i added a random pics link to my menu bar. yay.

blueavenue at 3:21 a.m.

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