September 29, 2004

the rain, rain, rain goes down, down, down...

i need to find a new apartment, and soon. it is flooding again. it hasn't stopped raining since this afternoon. we have a flood watch till 3 am. our apartment is making me scream (inwardly). agh.
i'm looking at 2 apartments tomorrow. at least that's the plan. one for sure in the morning. then one at 4:30, but its location isn't as good. if i could only get the freaking one in forest hills to call me. MAN. oh well. life goes on. ob-la-di. or something. and if anyone (landlords) asks, i am SO employed. gainfully, in fact. in manhattan. oh yes, i love my job. heh.
ok, to bed with me!

blueavenue at 1:51 a.m.

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