September 27, 2004

how much is that ortho in the window?

i am overhauling my room. cleaning, rearranging where i keep my clothes, etc. changing the stuff on the walls, which was getting out of hand. a little too much sheet music. i'm tired of the color of it, too. it's this goldy-orange, and it makes me wanna die lately, though i liked it when i painted it. but i may be moving in the next couple of months, so i don't wanna waste my money or my time, which i value. heh. i got the cutest dollhouse shoes. i also got K a new Badtz-Maru messenger bag/knapsack (i just love the word knapsack, it's a messenger bag) from Sanrio as a back to school gift. she got really excited about it. i knew she would. that's why i got it. i love when people get excited about things. i gift-wrapped it and everything. i also got the coolest green corderuoy purse. it rocks. i kinda want a snack. hmm. ooh. i bought some cookie dough when i went to the store last week. mmm. no. i don't want to get the kitchen all messy, cuz i just cleaned it. oh well. maybe some cereal.
i got some red lipgloss (paula dorf lipsicle in erte):
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yes, my hair is, indeed, black. and also wet. yay black hair! it will fade and i will have to get it redone in time for winter.
my parents paid a lot of money for these teeth:
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i have big teeth. if you can imagine my giant two front teeth pre-orthodontal work, you will understand why kids called me "bugs bunny." it was bad. very, very bad. i am extremely grateful to my parents for having my teeth fixed. all that work hurt like hell, but it was sure as hell worth it! yay for orthodontists. mine is like 80 years old and still kickin. i saw him in june. good times. i started going there when i was about 13. that's ten, almost eleven years ago. WOW. and i even still wear my retainer at night sometimes. i wore it last night, actually. i heard that if you don't wear your retainer during childbirth, that your teeth will go back to their original positions. i wonder if this is true or an old wives tale. hopefully it's not true. hopefully it will be a long time till i find out.
i've got to remember to take some pictures when i'm in texas. that way i'll have pictures of something other than ME on here. heh. VANITY! i do say.
i need a job, but i sure do like not having one.
you know what's a funny movie? Rat Race. oh my GOD, that movie is funny. especially the guy who arranges the race who's like, "Go!" with the mustache. is that how you spell 'mustache?' it is time for bed. i ramble a lot, huh?

blueavenue at 2:14 a.m.

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