September 25, 2004

i love you, michelangelo.

well, i rearranged my room again. at least now when my room floods, the spot on the floor that always ruins my mattress is no longer covered by my mattress. it's now covered by my desk (much easier to move around so as to mop up flood-water). yee. i hate you, landlord. pttt!
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so the producer of the show is apparently nuts. like he sorta dated the director a while back and went psycho on her at a cast party for another show. he was drunk, or else she may not have figured out he was crazy till it was too late. but nonetheless. what is it w/people? if you have issues, figure them out and work on them. i mean, what's the point of living if you're not going to try to better yourself?
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she told me the whole, sordid story last week at the "we're off-book...sort of" party. heh. she only told me because i'm the only one who isn't really part of the group. as in, i'm the new person who isn't close to anyone. funny.
did i mention that andrew really wants me to reconsider? because he just called me and wants to do something later, and i just can't dadgum decide if i want to or not. UGH.
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kristen burned me the britney spears in the zone album that she got off the internet. she uses like winxm or something i haven't heard of. i use kazaa lite, but she says she thinks they're charging now. beats me. anyway, the point is, i was listening to the cd on the train earlier, and i just thought, what the heck is wrong with this girl? she has the chance of a freaking lifetime. she can record whatever the heck she wants, however she wants, and she does THIS? why does she sing like she's 12 years old? i just don't get it. what a loser.
there's crap all over my room from when i rearranged it. man, i hate that. i don't feel like picking it all up and finding a place for it all. i have too much crap, and it's annoying. and i feel like i throw away papers and stuff pretty regularly. i mean, where does all this stuff come from??
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in yo face!
i think i'll take a shower (always makes me feel better/refreshed) and fix something to eat. i've still got time to decide if i wanna go out or not. i just don't know! remember how i said before how one of the most prominent of my traits is not liking making decisions? because i've decided that is one of the worst qualities a person can have. and maybe the quality i hate most in a person is someone not ever willing to admit that he/she is wrong or has made a mistake or isn't good at something. luckily, i don't have that quality. i'm the first to tell you when i've screwed up.
i'm listening to coldplay, and i likes it. me likey! o.k. what's the deal with britney spears getting married? did she really get married or was it a hoax? did anyone ever figure it out? i mean why would she pretend? that would be dumb. o.k., nevermind.

blueavenue at 10:01 p.m.

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