October 01, 2004

idn't 'at purty.

Guess what. I found an apartment. YAY! i can't believe my lucky-luck! Now if i could just get my car back from the body shop...right.
So now comes the unfortunate task of informing my doped up landlord (he had serious back surgery a couple months ago) that i'm leaving. he is not going to be pleased. but the way i look at it, i'm not pleased that my apartment won't stop flooding. right? so there. stupid-head! yeah, that's what i'm going to say. i hope he doesn't go after my credit, because my credit is good so far. well, anyway.
i'm sending out my resume' to temp agencies. we'll see what happens.
on another note, a friend from my 1st college wants me to join Mary Kay, the cosmetics giant! isn't that funny??? but she has some good reasons involving lots of cash, so i am going to at least look into it. does anyone have the old issue of Jane Magazine with the article on Mary Kay? i remember reading it forever ago, but i'm sure i threw it away. oh well.
ok, gotta go do something or other.

blueavenue at 1:16 a.m.

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