May 03, 2005

some parting thoughts on my way out

who is the person from Princeton who's reading my diary but has no referring link? do i know anyone who goes to Princeton? isn't that the only way they'd type in my address manually? is that weird? who are you? and hi hello!

every day at 5:00 pm my internet slows to the speed of molasses, making it darn near impossible to send out resumes. luckily today i started early, so i still got a few sent before it went haywire. boo! boo to you, earthlink!

i met my new upstairs neighbors yesterday, and they seem really nice. they have 3 little boys. i can't remember their names, except i think one is called michael. the mother is called ann-margaret, which i think is so pretty. and different. she's some kind of latina, and very cute. well, i guess she could be italian, actually. but she looks spanish to me. ah well.

speaking of latinas, in gettysburg i bought a brown baseball cap with the Mexican flag on it at american eagle. showing the pride for the motherland, baby. it's cute, though. and it's got this great, stretchy elastic band, so i don't have to snappy-snappums or anything. which is great, also, cuz i have a large head. heh.

i have no idea why i'm writing an entry right now. good lord. this is sad. nothing to say. i think that time warner should hire me for one of the five jobs i applied for, what do you think? yes? ok great.

oh. i also think i should be able to make some money on voice-overs. frankly. i mean, i recorded the hotel's greeting on the telephone in an english accent, for pete's sake, and then i recorded a message for the owner's website, so FRANKLY. i'd like to use that voice talent to make some money. too much to ask? i don't think so. i have this book called "put your money where your mouth is" or something equally retarded, about voice-overs. or jingles. i could be a jingle singer. why not? i sightread and harmonize really well, not to mention blend. i can match my voice nearly to anyone else's. don't ask me why.

well. i should go. i'm off to pick up my laundry and drop off some donuts to K's house. ha. she left earlier and forgot her donuts. ha.

apparently it would be much easier for me to get a job if i knew:




Quark (huge!)


InDesign (that's a big one)


and also:

Adobe Photoshop (easy, I'm sure, but never tried it-expensive, isn't it?)

Adobe Illustrator

Quark Xpress

well, it's good to know i have something to work toward.

p.s. i freaking hate it when they will only allow faxes. freaking CRAP, people! do i LOOK like i have a FAX machine? because i don't. we are living in the age of the EMAIL for God's sake! k thanks bye. (i have a shirt that says that, by the way: kthxbye. it's funny.)

blueavenue at 6:46 p.m.

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