May 05, 2005

phonetically i'm a music school REject.

you know: i canNOT figure out how to phonetically represent a certain sound. it's the sound a southerner makes instead of [eye] for the 'i' sound. when a texan says "hi" for instance. they don't actually get to the [ee] (technically, in IPA--international phonetic alphabet--the ee sound is represented by [i]) part of the sound. you know, I is a double-sounded vowel. if that makes any sense. LOL. this is FUN! i-ee. I. see? LOL. ahhhh good times at renegade ranch ovuh he-uh.

one time, when i was at baylor, and i was in a sorority, and i was friends with lots of fraternity boys (are you with me? don't click on the x box yet), i was invited on a "retreat" with one of these "fraternity boys." the "retreat" was at a dude ranch. a real, live dude ranch. honest injun. it was bizarre. but cool. they had cool leather armchairs in the main lodge area. and it was really in the middle of nowhere. and our big event was this dance in this big, open BARN. (i don't know if it was red, but all signs point to yes.) and next to the barn was a large bonfire. it was november, so we had to "warm ourselves" by the fire, you see.

anywho, it was good (clean) fun, although at that particular period i had the hugest, reddest zit/pimple/blemish EVER, and it was located in the little crease of my nose, where the bridge connects to the nostril, i guess. oh GOD, the pictures! it is sad. i went with my best guy friend to the retreat (Rob), and this dear man, whom i love dearly but have not seen in person since december of...2002 (!? shoot me now), is getting married next month. sigh. i need to call him really badly, i do. (i really didn't mean that as a marriage pun, i swear.) he is a wonderful person, and i miss hanging out with him a lot. the sad thing is, once he's married, chances of us "hanging out" a whole lot, like the old days, will become significantly smaller, even when we DO live in the same city. poor little me. pobrecita gayla.

on a happier note, i went into the temp agency this morning, and after taking the typing test (twice), i landed myself a job for next week at some company over by ole UN plaza. 15 an hour, too, baby. so things are looking (slightly) up, at least for the time being.

nothing much else happened today. went to the library. returned 3 books, got 5 more (and K got 4 more herself--haha, another book junkie). i still owe $8.60 in fees. everytime i go in there to check out more books, they tell me. and i say, ohhh, YEAH... and act all concerned about it. probably the woman is going to notice after a couple more months of this that i have the same exact response every time. but oh well.

my printer needs ink. i hate buying printer ink: it is too dadgum expensive. it's like how they raised milk prices here in new york a while back; they know you HAVE to buy it, so they can do whatever they WANT with the price. bloody bastards.

my hands are cold. usually only my right hand gets cold when i'm typing, but both.

i need some sleep. this was probably apparent to anyone reading this by paragraph two. on that note...

i loves ya, porgy.

blueavenue at 1:39 a.m.

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