May 09, 2005

nothin' like some oldies to ease a troubled mind.

i'm not quite sure what's wrong. i've spent the last 2 days lying around my apartment doing absolutely nothing. shit. i hate it when i get this way. i know it's something to do with depression, because i never answer the phone when it rings, and i never call any of my friends who need calling (and at some point who i wanted to call). man. i hate me like this. me like this stinks.

the good news is i've got a temp job this week, so starting tomorrow morn, bright and early, i'm up outta here to join the masses of people who actually have lives. hehe.

well. i think i'm worried i won't get a "real" job after all, and then this time i'm spending searching, and in turn getting "cut off" by Duddy, will be fruitless. money down the pisser, of sorts. ah well. what is one to do when one does not know the outcome? or better yet, what does one do when one doesn't KNOW what to do? shitey shite shite!

well. for those of you who should have been called by me but haven't, i DO apologize: it's not you; it's me. LOL. i have been thinking of you, at least. i suppose that doesn't help. drat. earlier i watched The Importance of Being Earnest from netflix, and it was good.

i need to clean my apartment something FIERCE. phew. pray this big-wig lawyer/partner dude tomorrow doesn't hate me.

love ya!

blueavenue at 1:31 a.m.

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