September 07, 2004

"The Gardens" partie deux.

dang dang dang.

they had 14 waiters on the floor tonight and 2 runners because it was Labor Day, and they thought it was going to be crowded. but it wasn't. at all. but anyway.

back to before:

this is a cute little flower bud--

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very cute.

and here's what it will look like someday soon:

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here are some cute purple flowers:

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do you see the little speck in between the trees that slightly resembles a UFO? that's the Goodyear blimp flying above the U.S. Open over near Shea Stadium. YAY. i would really like to go to the U.S. Open. i think it still goes for another week, but...anyway.

Image Hosted by i saw a cute little squirrel guy eating something on the stoop of this house, and i started to close in on him slowly to snap a picture of him, but alas, just as i hit the button, he ran away. if you look really closely, you may be able to see his bushy tail. the rest of him is behind the flower pot, if i remember correctly. which i may not. but anyway.

did i mention that the dumb guy at Rockaway Bedding gave me the wrong size bed frame? i think i may have, but anyway, who cares? cuz that just tells you how very annoyed i am. i am really sleepy. i should really go to bed.

blueavenue at 12:26 a.m.

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