September 06, 2004

the "Gardens"

i just realized today is Labor Day, and "you can't wear white shoes after Labor Day," and i still haven't worn my cute white sandals i got in Texas last time i was there. i'm not sure why i haven't, i just haven't. dang.

it was quite chilly yesterday, and it was lovely. i loved it. i would have loved it more had i not been wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but i still loved it.

here's a shot of Forest Hills, just before leaving the private streets of the "Gardens:"

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isn't it cute? it's all like a town somewhere far-off and very old, like Amsterdam or something great like that.

i took a picture of the front of this house because its house number is 11 and the gate is blue:

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crap--just got a call from work: apparently i was supposed to be there at 3 because it's a holiday. WHAT?! so anyway, have to finish this later!

blueavenue at 3:33 p.m.

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