September 09, 2004

if only i could hibernate for a while.

it has been a very bad couple of days.

i want the badness of things to end, and soon.

yesterday i worked 12 hours and left with 68 dollars. and jenny had to go to the hospital. it was an all-around shitey day.

today i woke up at 8:30 because my apartment was flooding again.

after i write this entry i'm going to eat leftover pizza (all i had all day was a few bites of cornbread and butter) and go to sleep on the couch because my mattress is ruined.

i am not a happy camper, and not in an angry way, but in a very deflated, i have no feelings kind of way.

i have some decisions to make, and if there were only a few things i had to tell you about myself, one of them would definitely be that i hate making decisions. HATE.

please let me wake up in the morning to a better world.

blueavenue at 12:53 a.m.

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