December 18, 2004

[not the] shock of the century

let's just talk about how i am supposed to be in Dallas right now, but i am not. i am sitting at my own computer at my apartment in Queens. WHY, you ask, dear Blue, are you doing that?


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WELL. i will tell you: the plane took off without me on it. my luggage, however, made it onto the plane just in time. luckily. yep. leave it to me. this is a very typical thing to happen to me, just so you know.

so anyway, apparently in the 8 weeks since i last flew American, they've changed the cutoff point for boarding. it used to be you couldn't board if you weren't there at least 30 minutes before. well, now it's 45 minutes. no one bothered to inform me of this. i was counting on that extra 15 minutes as i rode down the cursed Van Wyck expressway, traffic nearly at a standstill...i was JUST on time. or so i thought.


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so the guy was not only telling me that i missed my flight ("i can run," i said to no avail) but that there were also NO MORE flights to Dallas tonight. right. uh-huh. NO. after standing there for 20 minutes with him trying to fix a flight tomorrow morning for me, he suddenly says "maybe..." and goes off to ask some lady a question. he comes back and says maybe i can make it. WHAT? maybe i could have made it TWENTY MINUTES AGO YOU FREAKING RETARD! OK so i didn't exactly say that, but i most definitely thought it. but he told me they were still waiting for 3 people to board, so off i went. turns out my gate was in another building, so here i am running around outside the terminal in my 3-inch-heeled boots, panting for air because i do NOT run. ever. so i get to the security checkpoint (you can see where this is going) and of course have to basically strip down to get through. people even let me in front of them because (i assume) i was about to burst into tears and was cursing under my breath and also talking to myself.


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regardless, when i got to the gate, the plane was definitely gone. obviously. i mean DUH. i apologized to the desk lady for crying; i knew it wasn't that big of a deal, but i also couldn't help myself. i don't know what i was thinking when i ran around the freaking JFK airport trying to beat a plane, but oh well. i didn't even bother putting my boots back on. i carried them all the way outside and to K's car. people looked at me funny, walking around the airport barefoot, but who really cares?

on the upside of this whole thing, K took me by Rosa's and i got a slice of ravioli pizza and a slice of Grandma pie, both of which were amazing. mmm. so that was nice:

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another plus is that now i have the whole night to upload music to mini-discs for my Net MD. i just downloaded 38 songs by Cake. lol. i especially like this part of "rock and roll lifestyle:"

how much did you pay for the chunk of his guitar, the one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show? and how much will HE pay for a brand NEW guitar, one which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show? and how long will the workers keep building him new ones? as long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones.

this girl reminded me of daria:

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if you'd seen her boots, you would've thought the same thing.

myquestions getting ready for the gavin concert:

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her cat, Alex:

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birds poop neon yellow excrement in D.C., see?:

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the LES rocks:

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i didn't get this shirt till like year and a half after i lived there. i love this shirt. i'm gonna wear it tomorrow.

do i have anything of significance to say right now? i don't think i do. i think i'll get back to my downloading. yes indeed. my NEW flight leaves from Laguardia (thank GOD, damn that JFK, i tell you) at 8:45 am. sigh. wish me luck. i can apparently use it.

blueavenue at 9:52 p.m.

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