December 22, 2004

"here we are as in olden days..."

i have a "date" tonight w/an old friend from high school whom i haven't seen since graduation 5 and 1/2 years ago. weird, eh? i used to have a big crush on him back then, which proved quite inconvenient as he was the best friend of the guy i dated senior year who eventually dumped me for my ex-best friend. that was a little confusing. ah, good times. we're getting mexican food somewhere because he knows how obsessed i am with it since i can't get it in nyc.

last night we went out to this podunk town called Nevada (they pronounce it: nuh-vay-duh--not real sure) to have dinner w/some friends of my parents. the woman's son, who is 30 years old, still lives with them. my dad wants me to date him (?!). i said absolutely not.

here are the reasons:

1. he's 30 years old and still lives with his mother and has no desire NOT to.
2. he probably spoke a total of 4 sentences the entire 3 or more hours we were there.
3. he's not ugly at all, but i just don't find him attractive.
4. i live in new york and he lives in nevada, texas. (DUH.)
5. do i REALLY need a number 5? i think not.

anyway. i also found out that the guy i'm having dinner w/tonight is now really good friends with our honors history teacher from junior year of high school. WHOA. this teacher sort of used to come on to me when i was in his class. not really in an overt, leering, i'm a dirty guy trying to seduce a minor kind of way, which is why it didn't freak me out. also, now i know that he's only 31, which means when i was 17, he was...24. i guess that's still kind of bad, lol, but it's not now. 31 is so young! i was shocked to find that out. hopefully i'll get to see him while i'm here, 'cos i'm just freaking curious, that's why. he was pretty cute if i remember accurately, but i also think his eyebrows are peter gallagher-esque. now don't get me wrong, i love peter gallagher. but you know.

well, i'm dadgum freezing 'cos my parents' computer is set up right next to the back door, and for some reason it's colder in here than it is outside (it's 65 degrees right now!). i have to figure out what i'm gonna wear, 'cos right now i'm wearing a black dress and a cardigan that i wore to work at my brother's CPA office today, and i think that's a bit too much, don't you? yeah.

more later, i think.

p.s. i think i am going back to D.C. for new year's! yay! hopefully i can take the amtrak so i don't have to drive, but it's a bit pricey, so we'll see.

blueavenue at 5:03 p.m.

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