February 05, 2005

the entry where i use lots of CAPS.

from 2/3/05:

Today after my Dr. appointment (my tonsils are indeed INFECTED, thankyouverymuch) I took the bus to the subway. At the stop right after I got on the bus, no less than 25 kids (who seemed approximately between the ages of 8 and 17) boarded. It was enough to make me want to hop on a plane back to Texas and never look back. (Or almost never.)

No person at ALL, not even the crazy uptight a-hole at the hotel today, should ever, EVER (ever) have to ride on a bus with that many teenagers. (ever.)

p.s. I am so SICK of people freaking STARING at me on the freaking SUBWAY. Leave me the F alone, WILL you?!

People want to know why New Yorkers are so insensitive and indifferent and standoffish. Well THIS IS WHY. Here are your answers, people. We're so sick of humanity due to the fact that we can't get a minute (not ONE minutes) ALONE (EVER). Even with our headphones on AND a book in our hands. NEVER alone. It's how I felt freshman year of college, in the dorm. Times SIXTY! Dear Lord. Some days are worse than others. Yesterday was "other." Today is "worse."

but on a happier note: take a moment to listen to the Diaryland theme song. you won't be sorry.

blueavenue at 9:12 p.m.

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