September 07, 2003

l'ecole and stuff

my english prof is pretty darn funny. she's kind of bitchy, but i kind of like her for it. don't ask why; i'm not sure, myself. we were reading this poem friday, and kids would say, "well i think maybe he is missing teeth because he eats all that rotten fruit from his fruitstand," and she'd be like, "that's bull shit! that's a fairytale! you can't just make things up! you have to have proof!" and i would laugh inside, because everyone would kind of sit in shocked silence. funny. this middle-aged white lady was raised in the bronx, and she's not kidding. also i knew the answers to a few of her questions, so i liked that, too.

i have SO much french homework for monday. UGH. we're talking like 14 pages of exercises in the workbook AND reading the intro and chapitre 1 of L'Etranger. whoo haw for existentialism. is that how you spell that?

i'm sort of dating someone. how weird is that? (pretty.) one day at a time. yeah. that's the spirit.

blueavenue at 3:32 a.m.

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