September 07, 2003

beautiful day in the neighborhood

it is gorgeous outside these days. i just want to express my sincere ecstasy at this weather. at night it's like 65 degrees, and it feels like heaven. tonight we went out and saw Mars, though it wasn't as big as i'd hoped. but it was cool, anyway. it was kind of yellow, not white like the stars. God, i love autumn! i can't even tell you how exciting this weather is. of course, it'll be over in like 3 minutes, so i've got to get all excited before it's winter and i have to start complaining again. =)

this week i was thinking about going to grad school to become an archeologist. wouldn't that be hysterical? well, ok, if you don't know me personally, it may not be. i've always loved rocks. when i was 6 i found this small lead pipe and i used it to break open the rocks i collected. sometimes i found some pretty cool stuff. and my grandma gave me these rocks that had belonged to my grandpa (i think) because she knew i loved fossils, and i got some cool geodes and crystal formations from her. so how ridiculous would it be for my bachelor of arts in vocal performance-self to decide NOW to become an archeologist? of course, about 3 months ago i thought about going to grad school to become a counselor/psychologist. i guess i'm just worried about ever finding a job with my [what people consider to be] useless degree. why can't life make more sense?

blueavenue at 4:06 a.m.

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