December 9, 2004

Jerry the snowball.

i was somehow just reminded of my skiing trip to keystone last christmas. in our room at the lodge was a typical guestbook, which i assume every room had. anyway, when you're in the middle of the mountains with nothing to do (when you're not skiing) besides watch cartoons w/ 6-year-old twins, you do things like read through the ENTIRE guestbook. yes. lol.

but anyway, there was this one entry by a family who said they had lovingly rescued a snowball called "jerry," and that he was living in the freezer.
"Quick!" i said to my sister. "is there a snowball sitting in the freezer?!"
affirmative. LOL. how great is this?! i was thinking. i kept reading. a few months later (in the guestbook, silly), i think it was in a summer month, some guy in town for business wrote the most hilarious message saying that he was really sorry (really), but he was out of ice, so he enjoyed jerry the snowball in his drink. LOL. oh man, these crazy people.

before we left we "rescued" a new snowball, and in our guestbook entry asked everyone to please take care of jerry jr. i really wish i could go back to that room just to see what, if anything, has happened to little jerry jr. in the last year.

i serendipitously came across the name and number of a lady at a temp agency i was referred to about a year ago by a friend of a friend. whoa. anyway, i called the lady today and she was like, well bring it on up in hurra tomorrow morning. and i was like shaw nuff! those may not have been our exact words, but anyway: i have another interview. yee. my friend told me this particular agency likes working w/actors (not really sure why, but hey), so maybe i've got a decent shot here. she also said they have pretty regular work. this is good news. so my new short-term goal is to get hired at this place.

also i faxed my resume' to the Yale Club of NYC, cuz they're hiring a front desk person. i am totally OK with working at a place full of Yale alumni. bring it ONi say. it actually seems like a pretty cool place. they should definitely hire me.

here's a happy thought: about an hour ago i walked around the corner to the deli and bought some ben & jerry's ice cream. half-baked, with cookie dough and fudge brownie. whoo-HOO. i really went to the deli to buy a quart of milk, but i couldn't resist when i saw the ice cream. oh well; i did resist buying another blackjack lottery ticket. lol.

i can't tell you how much better i feel now that i have my car back. i feel wonderful; it makes life so much easier and more pleasant. i don't mind public transportation all that much, and of course i'll still be taking it somewhat regularly (VERY regularly if i get a job in manhattan), but it's just nice to have the option of driving, of commuting ALONE, of listening to all my cds (not with headphones)! of being able to yell at other drivers (stress-releaser). of course i hate the traffic here, but tis a small price to pay, i assure you.

i love old-school george strait. it reminds me of being a kid and begging my sister to let me sleep in her room because i was scared of something or another. or of how i would never get out of her room when she wanted me to. heh heh heh. i was such a pest.

whoops! i just realized i never hit the button to submit this entry, and...i started writing this at 10:39, and now it's 12:44. whoops! oh well, here we go...

blueavenue at 10:39 p.m.

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