December 07, 2004

"there will be an answer..."

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i love that the pick-up/delivery guy from the laundromat knows me by name and that last time i called, he didn't pay attention to the fact that i had moved and accidentally went to my old apartment. heh.

i love this green sweater. it's extremely soft. i got it at delia*s:

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this is my cool blackboard wall in action:

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not that you can really tell, what with the lighting being so bad, but you know. just pretend, k?

i haven't had a haircut since june. i mean, i'm glad my hair's grown so long and all, but it really needs a trim.

i hung up some classic red-with-white-trim christmas stockings on my red wall, and i'm pretty happy about it:

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two of my friends have said they're going to start diaries on d-Land, and i think that would be great. we can start a cult and take over the internet-blog-world with our brilliance, i said. bring it on, friends!

so a while back i stopped using Kazaa and started using Kazaa lite to download music, and today i miraculously found all my old songs from Kazaa (which i somehow thought were poof-gone) mysteriously hiding in of all places, my windows media player. how weird is that? i had no freaking idea they were stored there. i mean for the love, i can't believe i didn't know about this before, because i always rack (wrack? what is that word, anyway?) my brain trying to remember which songs i'm missing from before, etc. etc. so yay! now i have all my old songs back! like, for instance, the gem that is Lionel Richie's "Say You, Say Me." no one should be without such things, i say.

ok great. i'm so excited about rediscovering my old music that i just made a new playlist that's 5 and 1/2 hours long. lol. i get a bit carried away from time to time.

the HR lady from the hotel i interviewed at last week called me today. when i told her i was going to be out of town for about half of the month, she said for me to call her when i get back. of course she can't guarantee she'll have any openings in january, but i guess one never knows. but on that note, i'm going to look into applying at a bunch of other hotels, because i think that may be the best job for me right now. or a bank, but i'd rather do a hotel if i had the option. which i don't, really, i mean if someone offers me a job, that's pretty much the end of that. beggars can't be choosers, you know.

i could ramble on and on, but i won't. well if you considering stopping NOW NOT rambling. ah.

blueavenue at 11:51 p.m.

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