December 05, 2004

Look awaaaaay....Dixie Land.

i had a job interview this morning. things kept going wrong, which, by the time i got there, made me feel like maybe it wasn't the job for me.
i mean, i distinctly remember putting the paper w/the address and phone number into my pocketbook. and i know i wasn't dreaming. and then, lo and behold, it was gone. ugh. anyway, it was just weird. but i finally got there and it was fine and all, but...i don't know what. but something.

me with my interview pearls:

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this is how i feel about wearing pantyhose and a suit:

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this is my friend lorelai:

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heh heh heh.
this is her mom (and the right half of her dad):

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look! we have matching pearls!

so a while back i bought this:

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it's a little cell phone holder w/a wrist strap.
this is what it looks like when you open up the dog's mouth:

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anyway, the lady at the cart who sold it to me gave me a free cell phone dangle thingee w/my purchase, only my cell phone doesn't have an antenna to connect it to. so i put it on the antenna of my t.v. but last night i figured out a way to attach it to my cell phone. i was really excited at first. but then, the more i looked at it, the sillier i thought it probably looked.

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does it look silly to you? i mean, aren't the dangly things supposed to go on the TOP of the cell phone? hmm.

look, here's all three:

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the phone with the dangly thingee inside the doggie phone holder.

too much?

this is how i usually feel about talking on the phone:

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if i ever try to get off the phone w/you rather abruptly, it may be only because talking on the phone sometimes gives me hives. sometimes.

i also have this Poire little pouch for my phone, which i rather like, and which rather resembles an easter egg.

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yay poires! well, i don't particularly like the FRUIT, pears, but i like these poire pouches. yes.

i'm listening to elvis. a little less conversation, a lot more action.

i need to run a couple of errands before i take kristen her b-day gifts.

this may be stupid, but it makes me a little nervous to think about dropping off my laundry because that's where i was going when i was in the car accident back in june. i know it's not like it would happen again, but i guess...i don't know. argh.

blueavenue at 3:07 p.m.

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