December 04, 2004

the crying game

i don't cry very often. i don't know why. wait, yes i do. i'm really closed off, that's why.
but anyway, i was just thinking about one of the few times i really let loose. i was still at Baylor, majoring in vocal performance (when i was 18 and picking a major, i thought i was gonna be an opera singer-what can i say?). one day towards the end of my sophomore year i was in a voice lesson w/dr. coldiron (who is nearly 80 years old and still has the clearest, most beautiful voice). i guess he must've sensed (over time) my lack of dedication, my lack of enthusiasm for the opera/lied/arias/etc. well, this particular day he decided to tell me that maybe i should consider changing my major. not completely out of music, but maybe switch to BA instead of BM, where it's less strenuous, less demanding, less opera.
i don't know why i was so affected by his speech. he made it clear that he wasn't basing this on any lack of talent on my part. really, he was just looking out for my own happiness and well-being. i think it was just overwhelming that he (a relative stranger who only saw me once a week for an hour) could read me so easily, could see through my act. he'd found me out--and with his discovery, he uncovered my true feelings about it, which i'd been ignoring, hoping they'd go away. so i told him i'd think about it, and when i left his studio i sat down in the stairwell and had a great and terrible cry. i think one of my friends came across me, but i can't remember who or what i said. i did end up switching to BA, and I'm so glad I did. as if it's not bad enough to have BA, Music on my resume'. what if it said BM Vocal Performance?! lol. what a joke.

last night was K's 24th birthday celebration (GOD we're getting old), and we:
1) went to a belly dancing class (really; it was really something).
2) walked around central park and watched ice skaters at the Wollman rink.
3) ate a late dinner at El Rio Grande, which was pretty much heaven in my mouth, and is also the only restaurant we've come across in NYC with authentic texican QUESO! um, YAY. big yay. they're also known for having the strongest margaritas in the entire city. probably true as well.
4) saw the late showing of Bridget Jones 2 at the Times Square AMC.

it was good times. SO. the big news from today is that i finally got my car back from the body shop. it's a scary thing, carrying around $2300 in cash. sadly, the 'check engine' light came on after about 15 minutes, so that kinda sucks. i have the worst luck with cars out of anyone, ever.
but i DO have wheels, and it's extremely exciting.

my dad called me earlier today and said to go ahead and see if i can find airline tickets home for christmas. i am a little surprised, but i looked and found some for $257 on and there's not even a layover! i can't believe it. only it means i'd have to be there for like 10 days or something.

a couple pictures i think i inadvertantly left out last time i posted family pics:

Image Hosted by the twins...

Image Hosted by Brookie...

today i've been looking at the cd-rom for NYU's graduate school of arts and sciences. if i just don't look at the section on tuition/fees, it seems GREAT!

i have a job interview monday morning for some company i sent my resume' to on november 17th. funny.

i think i might play the Sims now.

blueavenue at 11:01 p.m.

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