December 11, 2004

getting closer...

the night sky in new york is strangely neon. it's got that weird, not-actually-dark color; you can never decide if it's green or orange. the night of the black-out in 2003, it was so black; it was the strangest thing. and you could see so many stars.

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these are some pics from the City i took after my interview yesterday.

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by the way, i got hired. it's just a temp agency, but supposedly (we'll see) they'll have plenty of work for me. who really knows, though? but at least i'm hired, i guess.

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that one was meant to show the giant inflatable penguin (i love penguins) but it came out dadgum blurry.

me at K's b-day gift-opening extravaganza:
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stinking cute, huh?

we saw Closer tonight, and it was pretty brilliant. afterward i just kept saying "wow. that was so good." cuz wow. it was good. lol. and right now i'm listening to damien rice, who was the sole contributor to the soundtrack if i'm correct. it was gorgeous. of course the 4 actors were pretty gorgeous themselves. anyway, you should definitely see it, whoever you are.

ooh ooh, could it be? myquestions has just signed on! whee!

i love dangly earrings. they're my new obsession. i've recently come to the conclusion that i have an obsessive personality. not in a nuts kinda way, but just the same. i definitely obsess over things. in fact, i should add a category for "my latest obsession" at the bottom along w/what i'm reading and listening to. hmm. a thought.

here are my newest dangly earrings (from the icing, for $3.50):

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they actually have bunches of stars on the ends:

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and they jingle-jangle when i walk. yay. love that. swish, swish, swish. it's great.

i wore them with this shirt:

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because the sharp angles match the angles of the letters, see? ah-HA.

ok i'm a huge dork and i've really got to get to bed. =) have a lovely weekend, all. i will have plenty o'stories when i next write, methinks. ;) wish me luck.

blueavenue at 1:31 a.m.

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