February 15, 2005

he'll probably learn about me soon enough.

sorry i've been so MIA. i know i've already apologized about that, but i'm still sorry. i lazy as ASS lately. if that makes sense. no? ok then.

heather! i will be talking to you very, very soon! we will talk. we will recognize each other's voices, even. maybe. it's been so long, i'm not sure anymore. =)

absolutely nothing exciting has been going on. i had dinner sunday night with my upstairs neighbors. they're very nice. they sent me home with 2 containers of lasagna, a 3/4 full bottle of white zinfandel, and a dvd of Rosemary's Baby. LOL. it's the movie they saw on their first date. i thought that was great.

other than that there's been work. yesterday was v-day of course. i would've forgotten about it, but when i got to work, all my co-workers started wishing me a happy one. it was thrilling.

tommy, the italian guy i'm going on a date with tomorrow (yes, supposed to have been today, but i switched on him), gave me a rose. it was sweet. he's pretty cute. i just can't decide what i think about him yet. of course, we haven't been out yet. so hmm. i do, however, keep thinking about my friend nydia's friend she's told me about numerous times. his name is jason, and apparently he sings like Gavin, is really involved at his church in the music ministry, and is a school counselor. he really sounds great. and i think he's cute, too. i saw a picture of him a while back, but i can't completely remember. anyway, i need to call her and get the set up going. who knows?

my favorite manager finally came back to work yesterday. i think he was on vacation, and then he worked the night shift for a few days. i had missed him! i gave him a big hug. he's the nicest guy ever, and i really like working with him.

today i spoke with galaxy for the first time, and she is just too sweet. i hope she figures out her future plans. i know what it's like to be confused and not quite sure what my next move should be. wait. that's how i feel right NOW. heh. ah, the mid-twenties. gotta love 'em.

well, i've GOT to go to the grocery store, and then i think kristen and i are gonna go to johnny rockets for din-din. YUM to greasy burgers, chili/cheese fries and onion rings. and MILKSHAKES! (my milkshake brings ALL the boys to the yard.)

i think i have a few pics to post soon. maybe later tonight or tomorrow. nothing exciting, but you know. pics.

also: i FINALLY ordered my new cingular phone today. dear LORD. i did cave, however, and not get the one i REALLY wanted, cuz it was $149.99. i got my second fave, which was actually FREE with my 2-yr. contract, so let's face it: i made the right decision. (thank you. you can pat me on the back now. or give me a high five. or a sly wink. either way.)

ok i feel like writing more, but if i don't kristen to dinner in a semi-short amount of time, she'll eat me for dinner. what?

ooh ooh, yesterday a French guy (a cute one at that) was checking in, and my co-worker, who is from France, was obviously speaking to him. and i actually UNDERSTOOD some of what they said! i was a little too excited, i think. but anyway. i love french. it's just so beautiful. english is just dreadfully ugly. oh well. what can ya do?

gotta run, please say hello and i will write back soon! love ya'll!

blueavenue at 6:04 p.m.

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