February 18, 2005

you can call me "Gringa" if you want.

yo yo yo.

i don't really have much going on right now. definitely nothing of much interest to anyone but me.

tonight i was extremely irritated with the guys at work (2 of them) who are trying to date me. well mainly i was irritated with one of them, but it just made me not want to date EITHER of them, or anyone else i work with as long as i live, for that matter. i mean, what was i thinking anyway? HELLO. i'm such a dumbass sometimes. is it just me, or was my last relationship with a CO-WORKER. and that went REALLY well. yeah. i astound myself sometimes. i dunno. i guess i just thought, oh, it's no big deal. it'll be fine. nope. it won't be, actually. it's NEVER fine. how many things in life are ever "fine?" not many, am i right? so anyway, i'm irritated at them for being annoying men, who are already fighting amongst themselves (over ME, sort of) and talking bad about each other TO me, and i'm irritated at myself for not being smart and just saying "no thanks, not interested" from the get-go. then i wouldn't be in this mess right now. (i do this a lot: wish i'd handled things differently to begin with. somehow i never deal with things correctly right off the bat.)

so i get another paycheck tomorrow, which is just thrilling. paychecks rule. i never deposited the one from last week, so then i get really excited when i deposit two at once, cuz it's TWICE the money (whee!). i'm a dork. but really, it's almost like fooling myself that i have more money than i really do. at least for a few minutes.

so something's wrong with my cell phone, and i'm getting NO service whatsoever. i'm not quite sure what to do about this, as it's never (never) happened before with this phone. this phone has been so good to me. incidentally, my NEW phone arrived at my parents' house in Dallas today. (had to have it shipped to them because my number is a dallas number and cannot be activated out of its home area.) howEVER, i can't exactly have it ACTivated until i transfer all my phone numbers to my SIM card on my OLD phone, cuz i'm gonna be without a cell phone for a few days till my parents can ship the new one to me after activating it. point being, i can't exactly transfer my numbers when i've got NO service, cuz i've got to call customer care to find out how the blip to transfer numbers to the SIM card. (i told you i had nothing interesting to write about. if you're still reading at this point, thinking 'why the [bleep] is she writing about this?' you've only yourself to blame.) ahem.

i think i may be able to pick up the DVD of my musical/play from the director tomorrow before i go to work. this will be good news for my parents, who are dying to see it. lol. i, however, am NOT, because if anyone has ever watched themselves on video, it is about the oddest sensation known to man. kind of like hearing how your voice *actually* sounds (my voice sounds completely different in my head than in reality), only way weirder even that THAT. am i right? of course i am.

hmm...my eyes hurt. i want to eat something, but i'm not sure what, and i really just shouldn't since it's friggin' 2:13 am. oh dear. so i just got up and took out the trash, because i'd forgotten it was trash night till i heard the trash truck outside. so i jumped up and emptied all my trash into the main bag and hurried upstairs. luckily it was only the recycling truck. the regular trash hasn't come yet. LOL. i amaze myself with this thrilling oration. dear LORD. please let something exciting (in a good way, not in a bad) happen soon.

don't i have some pictures or something? let me check...

why YES, i do:


me again (don't worry there are some of others coming after this):

our friend dawn and me (she doesn't like the camera):

OK, now for the fun (or something) part: these are the 3 guys i dated who are friends of kristen's boyfriend. the 3 guys who were at his 30th b-day party a few weeks ago. HA. so anyway, i'll post them in the order of that which i went out with them. (remember, they were all quite brief courtings, and respectively each one got shorter. if that makes sense.)

ok, bachelor #1: dated him WAY back in like late summer thru halloween of 2003:

he's a really nice guy, but he is still 17. no, really. you'd have to experience to understand, but believe me.

moving on, shall we? bachelor #2: super nice guy, but...i'm not sure what happened exactly. however, i'm not attracted to him in THE least anymore. i mean, he is just the biggest DORK at this point. not real sure. but he is nice. only apparently he gets into fights at bars all the time. also not real sure about that. anyway, here he is:

OK, now for the one we've all been waiting for. this is the one i've referred to in the past as 'stalkeresque,' though i may like to retract those statements. i think maybe he's just misunderstood. lol. anyway, i really do think he means well. he just latches on really quickly when he likes someone. however, i have no feelings of attraction for him whatsoever. i mean at ALL. don't want to kiss him. nope. and i don't know why, really. he's cute enough, i guess. other people think he is. just not me for some reason. oh well. he text messaged me a week or so after the party, asking if he could call me sometime. i never wrote back because i'm a heartless bitch. LOL. ok, not really. more because i didn't want to write back and say, "listen buddy: i'm not attracted to you." i figured better to just leave it. i didn't know what to say, and then the next time i thought about it it was like a week later, so i thought: oh well. OK, here he is:

i should really probably go to bed now, cuz i actually have to get up before 1 pm tomorrow. damn. UGH. i hate waking up. i'm not even asleep yet and already i'm dreading getting out of bed. heh.

i listened to my jeff buckley album today, and it made me extremely happy. and really sad, too, because he's no longer with us.

OK kids, peace out, and good night, and word to your mother, and bon nuit! and all that jazz.

blueavenue at 2:03 a.m.

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