February 12, 2005

all work and no play SUCKS.

i just got home from work, and i have to be back at 7:30. which means i have to get up at 5:00. which means AGHASGSAGGADS! or something similar.

sorry for the MIA-ness of late; i've been working a LOT and not sleeping much, and definitely not doing much of anything ELSE. so a big boo to that: BOOOOO. k.

thanks for your comments though and for still reading me. =) i love ya'll. yeehaw! i don't love working, though. shoot a monkey. one good thing, though: i just ate a piece of chocolate cake with strawberry frosting that kristen made. YEE. it was quite tasty. and now i have to try to sleep.

i'm wondering if someone will switch me shifts at work so i can have my birthday off. surely. i mean, someone will surely want me to have my b-day off, right? right?

also, i have a date tuesday (lunch or dinner? don't know yet) with the italian guy who i was so hard on a while back about the phone number thing. long story, but the point is i'm going out with him. he's called tommy. he's not too tall, and i like tall guys. ugh. but he's pretty cute. he also lives like an hour and a half away. ??? he's coming to get me, though. whatev. i just couldn't care less about other people right now. i'm too busy caring about ME. mememe! ME. heh. i told dcdemocrat about my life-long wish to make a shirt that says "Je m'aime" on it, and she wants one, too! today wasn't one of those days where i need a shirt that advertises my love for ME, but that day will come again soon, and alas, i am still w/o my je m'aime shirt. boo.

ok it is REALLY gettin' late, and though i can never stop talking, i really must. sleep, i tell you. less than 5 hours is no bueno. i get off at 3:30 tomorrow, then i'm hoppin' on home to possibly take a nap or clean my apartment or go to the grocery store. then i'm having dinner upstairs with my neighbors. they're an older couple, and about as new york as you can get. should be really interesting. their dog (a beagle who was about 14 yrs. old) died a couple of weeks ago, and i feel so awful for them). anyway, she's cooking dinner, etc. etc. i hope it's not too awkward since i don't know them at all. i've lived here since october, and i had never even SEEN them till last week. they didn't even know i lived here. funny.

someone say a prayer i get to work on time in the morning.

why am i still taLKING???

good night, all...

blueavenue at 11:51 p.m.

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