January 31, 2005

free advertisement on blueavenue, folks...

i'm pretty sure i have absolutely nothing of importance to say tonight. today at work was like the worst day EVER. possibly because i was still feeling death-like, possibly because the freaking people who travel in this city are horrible, nasty people who should go back to scotland, or what have you. no offense, any of you scotties out there. see, i'm already making no sense.

i just drank some hot decaf tea with honey cuz my throat has a weird, scratchy lump in the back left...i keep getting this nagging feeling i should get my tonsils out. my ENT back in tejas (this was a while ago) mentioned it a number of times until he found out i was a singer, but recently i've talked to people who say that, if anything, it would open my sound/resonance up more. never a bad thing, i say.

i bought some honeycomb cereal tonight at the grocery store (i got there a record 4 minutes before they were due to close) and had a big bowl. it was good. it's the little things, people.

i listened to my damien rice album on the train/bus today, and it kept making me tear up. lol. i'm such a dork. music affects me way more than real life. oh man. that cracks me up. then tonight i watched this hallmark hall of fame movie on tv with keri russell from felicity and skeet ulrich (the killer in scream), and you know how at the commercial breaks the commercials are all for hallmark cards? well i actually almost cried during one of them. lol. dear LORD. that's worse than crying during OPRAH.

oh yeah, dietsoda9's boyfriend's b-day party. last night. it was fun, actually. and i oddly kicked some ass at pool. (she bought him a pool table for christmas. she's like the coolest girlfriend ever, i think.) ok, when i say i 'kicked some ass,' i mean that i actually sank like 5 or 6 balls. it was pretty amazing considering i normally can't hit the damn boogers at all, much less get 'em in a hole. so go me.

it wasn't too awkward w/the guys i dated. except the recent, stalker one. that was a little awkward, but mainly because it was still pretty recent. oh yeah and he's a little overzealous/stalkery, too. that's awkward. heh. really though, i think he's a nice guy and means well, but...overzealous. that's a great word for him. anyway. at some point (sangria is good, people) i calculated (it wasn't hard) that out of the 5 unmarried guys at the party, i had dated all but 2 of them. and those two have girlfriends. oh well.

that italian guy at work tried to talk to me today and told me that he didn't tell that kid to get my number for him; the kid had done that on his own, and that's why he didn't call me, cuz he wanted to ask me myself. i kind of had this horrible look on my face the whole time he was talking to me, 1. because i feel like shit and don't really wanna talk to anyone, 2. because i had a hard time focusing on anyone today, much less processing and responding, and 3. i kind of don't give a shit cuz i'm going through another one of my standoffish phases. ok let's face it, most of my LIFE is that phase. it's not a phase, it's me. i'm standoffish. LOL. if at any time i'm NOT stand-offish, it's because i'm going through an "open" phase. LOL. ahhhh. now that we've got that settled. but sucks for this guy, i'm still pissed off about the last guy (from TX) screwing me around or whatever you wanna call it. bitter. yes. i admit it. the opposite sex can be infuriating and generally disappointing. too bad they can also be so frigging great every now and then.

i'm pretty sure it's officially my bedtime. at least work's not till 11 am tomorrow. phew, it's 1:11. whoa nelly, it's taken me THAT long to write this?! man, i'm further gone than i realized.

please kids, say hello to my friends muppet23 (who actually--gasp--MENTIONED my NAME in her last entry) and plopphizz (who is doing a cool cartoon project and who never ceases to surprise us). also feel free (no, scratch that, feel obligated) to stop by galaxy's site--she just made the switch here over from zitronengel. a good choice, as she will always be 'galaxy.' she takes some amazing pictures, too!

blueavenue at 12:56 a.m.

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