October 16, 2004

the only thing is kirsten dunst's teeth irritate me.

why can't i just meet someone i have a connection with? is that so much to ask?
i'm dogsitting at trump palace, and it's been raining on and off today. hopefully when i take the dogs out before bed, it'll have stopped.
i just watched sweet home alabama for like the hundredth time (it was on encore).
i had fresco tortillas for dinner, and it was yum. Yum!
today at rehearsal i performed my main "look, i'm a star" song and the choreographer and director were in love with it. apparently i was "acting" and i was actually into it. they didn't have any comments at all for me. that's great news, as i was starting to wonder when that would happen. for me it just clicks eventually. now if i could just memorize everything else. like the song we did today which is about 30 pages long and has random dialogue (i.e. "Look dear, they're beating a monkey") interspersed with no prompting whatsoever. makes it very difficult with no cues. anyway, gotta get that one down.
have you seen About Schmidt? it's pretty funny, especially the "Dear Ndugu" part. jack nicholson is IT. he rocks.
i saw Wimbledon last night. it was pretty good. jennifer connelly's husband has a magnetism about him, though i don't find him really attractive. paul bettany, that's his name.
i'm gonna go now because i'm boring even myself.

blueavenue at 9:51 p.m.

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