October 15, 2004

i'm a rambler, yeah a rambler. i ramble on & on & on & on &...

thank GOD. i'm back. i may be on dial-up, but i'm ON, dammit!

i have rearranged the furniture in my apartment no fewer than 8 times, and my arms are a bit sore. the heaviest thing is my t.v., and frankly, it's probably a very bad idea for me to be moving it around by myself, but frankly, i don't care. it's done. now i have to figure out my bedroom and hopefully get rid of my extra desk and the console my mini-t.v. is sitting on. that would clear up a lot of space that i don't have. why am i talking about this? i don't know. because i have nothing else exciting going on?

i really have to go over my lines before saturday, because the director is going to kill me!

i am housesitting at "trump palace" again from saturday to tuesday, so that should be fun. sat. and sun. i'll have to commute out here for rehearsals, but other than that it should be helpful since i'm working in the city this week at the Toy Fair. yee. toy fair. last time i worked for them they said they were going to send me some toys for my nieces and nephews but they never did. but oh well. money is money. is money. heh.

also, i finally heard from the Exec. Director of this huge-ass law firm (is law firm two words or one word? lawfirm) who i met on my 2nd to last night working at the restaurant. she gave me her card and told me to call her because she wants me to train to be a paralegal for them. and i think the starting pay is like $35,000, which is about 8 MILLION times more than any other entry-level job i would get. especially with my self-proclaimed useless major in music. alas. the price of being a dreamer.

but anyway, i called her a few times to no avail, and her secretary kept saying she'd call me back, but she never did. then i got a call from her assistant out of the blue when i was in Dallas, so lo and behold, it may work out after all. so i sent her my resume' today, and she already wrote me back, saying she's having lunch w/the head of paralegals tomorrow (or whatever the title is), and she's going to talk to her about interviewing me. yee. and she said it doesn't matter that i don't have experience because they will train me. which is (no pun int.) music to my ears. doesn't it make you mad when people won't hire you because you don't have enough experience on your resume'? because you're thinking, well, if you'd FREAKING HIRE ME, maybe i'd have enough!!! the never-ending catch 22, right? i hate life sometimes. well, ok, i don't hate living or anything. i just hate the endless cycle of things.

in other news, i have a date tomorrow night with jeff. i've only met him once, about a month or so ago, and i remember thinking he was kind of cute, but didn't pay him much mind because i thought he was dating another girl who was there. but he wasn't. anyway, today i saw him as i was riding down the street to Wendy's, and how weird is that?? i called him and left him a message asking him if that was him coming out of the paint and hardware store, and he called back to say that it was. weird. he seems really nice. we've been trying to get together for a date for a couple of weeks now, but with my move and then my trip to TX, it just hasn't worked out so far. but we've talked on the phone quite a bit, and we get along really well. he seems really normal and nice and new york (of course). am i still talking? geez, i amaze myself sometimes. today K was talking to me and she just stopped right in the middle of her story and asked, "do you ever get sick of hearing yourself talk? i think i talk too much." it was funny. i definitely talk a lot with people i don't know very well, because i don't know why. it just seems less awkward if i keep talking. lol. oh well.

i should really go to bed. i still have plenty of work to do in the apt. which is amazing in itself. who knew it could be this difficult?

note to self: cancel tanning membership ahora! and buy risers for bed. P.S. hopefully my TX pics will be up soon!

blueavenue at 2:37 a.m.

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