October 17, 2004

blue skies smilin' at me...

it is freaking 43 degrees outside, and the upper west side is the worst--i mean worst--when it comes to tunnels of wind. i mean once you cross amsterdam and keep walking toward the hudson river, you might as well give up. i once decided that it was always 8 to 10 degrees colder over here. but anyway. the cold is ok right now because it just started, and i don't wanna shoot myself in the foot yet.
these dogs crack me up. rudy likes to watch t.v. with me, but he gets very upset if dogs or horses show up. (rudy and talullah are shit-zus. however that's spelled.)
i could really go for an onion bagel right now. of course i could also go for a few more hours of sleep. in fact, i think i'll take a nappy till 10 or 10:30. great. i think i'd like to see i <3 huckabees. is that how you make a heart? the scene where naomi watts keeps talking about quantity/quality is kinda funny in a strange way. i just saw her in mulholland drive a few weeks ago, and i gotta say that movie really freaked me out. i hate it when a movie ends and i have no idea what just happened. makes me feel powerless and lost. and like i just wasted 2 hours. heh. i was actually so bothered that i looked it up on the internet to try to figure it out. i found a site that explained it as well as could be done, but it didn't make me feel better. i think because i didn't like it. movies should always do what i want them to. ok gotta go. where is chic-fil-a when you need it?

blueavenue at 8:34 a.m.

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