July 13, 2004

duh-duh duuuuuuh, duh-duh duuuuuh

ALL day today (on the crosstown bus, walking up amsterdam, on the elevator in the performing arts library) i had the theme from Rocky in my head.

isn't that WEIRD??

i haven't even SEEN Rocky. i mean, not that i don't know what the theme sounds like anyway, of course, but still.


brains are weird. my voice teacher explained to me today why i was cursing so freely at the EMS workers who rescued me from my car crash last month. apparently this is a common thing to happen after experiencing head trauma. she told me the high-falutin' words for it, but i can't remember.

also today i was riding the fore-mentioned crosstown bus, and i looked out the window to see my ex-roommate walking down the street next to me. also weird.

and as i was pillaging fruitlessly through the stacks of musical scores and librettos at the library, i saw this woman kind of looking at me funny. but i paid no mind. get that all the time in the city. everyone is weird to you, and everyone else thinks you're weird. dunno. anyway, i kept rummaging and i hear the woman say something, so i turn to look at her(big mistake), assuming she wants to ask me where the restroom is or something. but no. she's just paranoid-schizophrenic. just like the woman from painting class. AGH. she was talking to herself (or to me or to everyone, who really knows?), cursing the people in the "white shirts," the "stupid girls" (i guess that's me) and something about "hating" someone. (me?) geez. i have a pseudo-family member who suffers from a mental sickness, so i understand that it's difficult, but TAKE YOUR MEDICINE, FOR THE LOVE!

speaking of schizo, i heard some peeps were mad at JC from N Sync for naming his album Schizophrenic. it is kind of a weird name for an album. i mean, i guess if he'd named it "Little Person" or "Clinically Depressed" that would've been worse.

blueavenue at 7:02 p.m.

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