July 13, 2004

high heel blues

i can't believe it, really.

i got hired at the first restaurant i went to. and i went to it first 'cause it was my first choice.

anyway, i have orientation thursday, isn't that exciting and yet not-- all at the same time?

isn't the act of being hired sort of bittersweet? sweet in the sense that you've got to pay your bills, and so somewhat of a weight is slightly lifted; and bitter in the sense that you know you're going to have to work now?

heh. i'm such a lazy monkey!

well, i should probably try to go to sleep since i have a voice lesson tomorrow for the first time in FOREVER, and i haven't practiced AT ALL so i should at least be rested or something.

rain, rain go away! (go away, i hay chew!)

blueavenue at 2:45 a.m.

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