November 30, 2004

"i don't wanna be anything other than me." and here's some more pictures.

well, the empire state building is glowing red and green. christmas is officially on the way. sometimes i stop and think about how lucky i am to live in this crazy city. there is one hell of a view of the manhattan skyline near my house, too, which is always a nice reminder.

i can't sleep because my stomach is trying to curl up and die on me. some advice for you, whoever you are: don't take the 3 day pack of Zithromax for your next infection. that stuff will not get out of my system, and while it may have helped kill the virus/infection or whatever, it has tried to kill me at least every other day since i took it. please, someone make it stop. but anyway.

i have been listening to lovely music tonight. all my favorite songs of the last 6 months, yay! right now is "she will be loved," though i hate the guy's voice, i love the lyrics and the melody. but anyway.

my mom and my aunt picked out this hat for me when they were here a few weeks ago:
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God, i love this hat.

a lot.
yay, thanks mom.

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i kinda look like i've got a glass eye in that one. yay!

here are some pictures from when heather and bry came to visit:
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aww. it's too early, is what they're thinking. wait, no it was 1 pm. just seemed early i guess.

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isn't she cute? she's gonna kill me for putting these pics on here. LOL.

on 2nd thought, maybe that 1st one was at night. well, just 'cause i can't sleep doesn't mean i'm not tired.

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she just LOVES when i take her picture. promise. in fact, she begged me to take it! yeah!

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well, it's only fair i paste an embarrassing (if blurry) one of bry, too. not fair to him, but to her. nope, not fair to him at all. oh well, like i said: tired.

here's my red wall:
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i haven't painted anymore walls because i'm afraid i'm going to have to move again. [DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!] but hey, at least i've got this one lovely red wall.

here's my lovely christmas tree:
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umm, YAY. god i'm a dork. a tired one.

ok, maybe i can sleep now, the pain is slowly calming...
i really want to see gavin degraw's concert. it's not looking too promising, however.

incidentally, if anyone reading this knows people in new york city who might want to hire me, just give me a shout back. yeah, uh-huh, thanks.

blueavenue at 4:25 a.m.

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