November 25, 2004

60 degrees and nearly december

i don't know if it's because the weather is extrememly mild (60 degrees right now), and it's almost december, or what, but it does not feel like Thanksgiving. but back in texas, Christmas never feels like Christmas anymore, now that i've experienced all the snow from up here, and the REAL cold weather. (Texas cold weather is fake cold weather, yes.) i should eat something, i'm getting hungry.

however, MAN this weather is gorgeous. it's just quite odd. i'm not knocking it, i just can't understand how it hasn't snowed yet. weird. but hey, the longer the snow can hold off, the better, if you ask me. ugh, that's the last thing i want to think about right now.

i don't feel very well. i wonder if that freaking Zithromax is still messing up my stomach. supposedly it keeps "working" for like 5 or 6 days after you finish it. hopefully by "working" it doesn't mean the same way it was working when i took it. help.

maybe some pictures next time...

blueavenue at 2:37 p.m.

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