February 22, 2005

to delirium and beyond!

dear GOD. i have been awake for 36 hours. (if you don't count the approximate hour i was semi-asleep, sometime between 9:30 and 11:30 this morning, that is. which i don't count, thankyouverymuch.)

long story, must tell it later as i must go to bed now before i physically, literally pass out in my computer chair.

but one bit of exciting news: i got my new cell phone today!! it rules! it's great so far. now i just have to learn how to use it. the sad thing? it takes better pictures than my digital camera, i think. LOL. who woulda thunk?

a few things i'm thankful for right now:

(other than the fact that my bed is sitting a foot away from me, just waiting to be snuggled into)

1. people who make me laugh, really laugh.

2. having a cell phone again after 3 days without any contact with the outside world.

3. good conversation.

4. that even though it snowed a lot and was really wet and annoying, it wasn't really very cold last night. or today. (yay!)

5. the fact that i made it through work today on absolutely no sleep without completely breaking down physically and mentally until about 9:30 pm.

6. the nice people i work with.

7. guacamole.

8. tuesday and wednesday off.

all right, lovies, i must hit the hay ahora! please believe.

love, g-thang

wait, wait. can someone tell me how to make one of those cute little hearts?

blueavenue at 1:18 a.m.

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