February 24, 2005

maybe i should be a talk radio DJ; then i'd never have to stop talking.

crappo. i was trying to get up a new paul frank monkey template, but i was having some issues. (the reason for this is that i don't know much html, and i especially don't know freaking style sheets, and if i try to alter the html/css at ALL from what the designer did, i am pretty much screwed. sigh. only nothing is ever exACTly the way i want it, so i always mess with things until they're messed up. yeah. sigh.

i am a bit exhausted. i didn't get but like 3 hours of sleep last night. mainly because i was getting my stuff ready for my interview this morning and also because i don't sleep well. boo. hiss.

anyway. so "the rolling stone guy," as i have oft referred to him. things went well. i wasn't my full-on charming/witty self, but i think i did well enough to let him know i am bright and have some personality. oh well. mainly he gave me some advice about different things and helped me re-work my resume' to make it more editorial-jobs-friendly. that's the plan: get an entry-level position in editing to see if i like it before i commit to grad school for it. so yeah. i met with the HR manager and gave her my (not new version of my) resume'. i think they may have an opening, but i have no idea what it's for. i am so tired right now. i should just go to bed, cuz this is gonna be incoherent, i betcha! (also oh well.)

so yeah. rolling stone should hire me, and if THEY don't, then US Weekly (another magazine run by Wenner Media) should, because damn if i'm not a celebrity gossip hound. whatever that is.

while i was waiting in the reception area i read US Weekly, mainly flipped through the part about Paris Hilton's cell-phone-sidekick debacle, and it was just freaking hilarious. i mean really. only her. only paris hilton would LOSE her cell phone with all those celebrities' numbers in it. absolutely classic. plus i think her face is weird. but that's just me. heh.

LOST. anyone watch that besides me and soverycherry? if not, ya'll should definitely jump on that bandwagon. i'm tellin' ya. that's some high-class enterTAINment. yo. lol. i'm tired.

uh...oh yeah. so ya'll should read bonypony's latest entry, which includes a small soapbox-ish spiel about music, and though i think he felt like no one cared, i care! and i'm sure many others do, too. cuz he's right, that's why! so anyway.

also just wanna give a shout-out (ha!) to jumblygiant who is a new visitor! hallo there! thanks for stoppin' by!

and to bohemianlife, who showed me how to make a heart. lol. i'm such a dork.

today, after my interview, i wore my 'rock and roll saves lives' shirt, because i thought it was fitting after being in the rolling stone offices. (i told you i was a dork.) kristen and i went to chili's for lunch, and it was purty good. (the queso was a bit too runny, though.) then i went to forest hills to do a wee bit of shopping. (?!)

GUESS what i bought! GUESS! i am feeling very shrill and silly just thinking about it all! giddy, too! WELL. i bought (are you ready for this?) the new Nars lipgloss in ORGASM! it makes my day, i tell you. dear lord. thank you for these wonderful people who make these wonderful products. such AS the chocolate souffle lipgloss by tutti dolce at bath and body works. also wonderful. i mean wow. god bless america. (it's the little things, people. i hope you know that.) last, but CERTAINLY not least, i bought my first ever Chanel product. it's called Ombre D'eau, or "fluid iridescent eyeshadow," and it is magic in a bottle. for the LOVE. so i spent some money i probably shouldn't have. but you know what I say? (well, i say a LOT of things, of course.) but really, i say, if it makes me this stinking happy, then why the heck NOT? people who hoard (horde? hoarde?) their money just canNOT be all that happy. so yeah. here i am. happy as a pig in shit with my new make-up products, thanks. =) yay.

well. i may stay up a bit longer after all and watch an episode of six feet under. (the best show ever.) by the way, i think i'm gonna try to get the sex and the city ringtone for my phone. wouldn't that be fun? (yes, is the answer to that question.)

God, i love you people. i apologize, but i'm terribly behind on diaries right now. it's hard because i keep meeting more and MORE of ya'll, and then i keep adding more and MORE of ya'll to my list, and it keeps getting longer and LONGER, and so on...but i will catch up, i'm sure. i always do.

yesterday was my sister's 34th bday. (she's 10 years older than me.) happy late bday, Sis! (we're planning our trip to Schlitterbahn again this june. thrills!) well,i'm really gonna jet now. i can't believe how much i talk sometimes. i stun even myself. good lord.

♥ G

blueavenue at 12:28 a.m.

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