February 20, 2005

the asian guests are usually so friendly, too.

about 2 and a half minutes after i walked into work today, an asian lady by the name of Lu started yelling at me. what a way to start off the day, let me tell ya. this Lu woman was really a piece of work. from the minute she stepped up to the front desk (at which i was already assisting someone else, and i had to ask her to kindly wait her turn; don't you just love it when people think they're above waiting on line?), this woman was a royal pain in my ass (not to mention everyone else's). regardless, i finally got her assigned to a room.

an hour later she was back at the front desk (yelling again, of course), insisting that her room was a smoking room (it wasn't). (is it just me, or would one think she would have come to that conclusion sooner than an hour after she went up to the room?)

anyway, even though we'd been instructed to give absolutely NO room changes or extensions because we were oversold tonight, the manager switched her room (simply to get her to stop yelling, no doubt).

a while later we got a call from her previous room. apparently some other guests had been checked into that room, but she was still IN IT. (dear LORD, lady.) the woman refused to leave the room. (LOL.)

i'm sorry, but hadn't she just been yelling at me to MOVE her OUT of that room because it smelled like smoke? OK great. turns out the second room was smaller (God forbid). so she had decided to stay in the first room (and decided not to inform anyone about it).

the manager asked her to leave the room, please, because the other guests were checked into it already.

she refused. and hung up him. 3 times.

he kept calling back, and the other guest would pick up the phone. the manager would ask them to put her on, then he'd go through the same thing, and then she'd hang up on him. finally, when he told her he'd have to get security to remove her, she left. LOL. for the love, lady. could someone please tell me in what world a hotel room is THAT friggin' important?

OK, i know that was a long story, but i was so astounded/amused, i just had to share it.

i think it's possible i will never relate to these people, how angry they get about things which, to me, seem almost inconsequential. i mean, i'm allergic to cigarette smoke, and though i wouldn't be thrilled to have to stay in a smoking room, if there are physically no non-smoking rooms, then what exactly is there to get all worked up about?

the moral of the story: people are psychotic. wonderful.

i was craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich tonight. i don't know why. i still haven't brought in all my groceries from the other night because 1) i keep forgetting, and 2) i'm too lazy to carry them; they're heavy. lol.

yay! the bus came quick tonight. last night, in the -26 degrees and 38 mph wind, i waited for it for nearly half an hour while my snot froze to my face. ah, good times.

i can never decide if i hate winter or summer more. it's really a toss-up. i mean, they both suck bigtime. especially here in new york it's hard to choose because they're both so awful. in texas i'd most likely choose winter over summer because the winters are generally pretty mild. doesn't get below 35 degrees too often, never snows, etc. actually, now that i think about it, the summers in Dallas are better than the ones here, too. (people are shocked when i say that, but i'm serious.) new york summers are about like summers in houston: humid. as in, within 32 seconds of leaving my house i'm already wanting to take a shower and change my clothes. even my fingers are sweating (something i didn't even know happened before i moved to NY). when i first moved here, it was june, and i never went through so much laundry in my life. i probably showered and changed clothes 3 or 4 times a day when i could.

gosh. i'm tired. yep, bedtime.

leave me a comment telling me how enthralling this entry was, k? heh heh heh.

blueavenue at 2:28 a.m.

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