January 13, 2004

boredom blues

agh! i am so bored right now, and i cannot seem to wake up today. if i drank coffee, now would be the time to do so. i am trying to get some launch radio playing to liven things up a bit.

let's see...what has happened recently that i can blubber on about? i sang at church sunday, that was same as usual. k's mom played for me and was excellent as usual.

i'm going back to NY this sunday, so i've got...5 days left. k will be very glad when i get back. i feel bad for her, she's so bored these days. i'm looking forward to getting back except for the whole unpacking thing. not my things from dallas but all the stuff from our move. i guess all in all it won't be THAT much stuff. but i'm sure it's going to be much worse than i was imagining when i left. oh yeah, i'm not looking forward to the weather, either. UGH. at least it's back up in the twenties...!!! i have so been enjoying the warm(er) weather down here. not to mention all-i-can-eat tex-mex. i have been spoiled for the last few weeks, and i am not going to be excited when i can't have el fenix again for 4 months.

i need a haircut really badly. last nite i read about 150 pages in harry potter, book 4. it is getting REALLY good. i didn't want to put it down, and i'm only a little more than halfway through. i can only imagine how good the end is going to be. exciting. my mom said book 5 is even better, and she is very disappointed that book 6 won't be out for a while now. i truthfully have no idea how one woman could possibly imagine this many outlandish, make believe things all by herself. i mean, how does she not run out of ideas for new creatures and curses and bad guys' plots?! it's really quite miraculous. what a gift that woman has.

ok i'm gonna quit blabbing on. just don't have anything exciting to say. peace out ya'll.

blueavenue at 11:31 a.m.

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