March 03, 2004

missing in action

oh my GOSH. it has been WAY too long. sorry aboot that, ye who actually read this from time to time. =)

well, i've been back in NYC for a month and a half, but there's really nothing exciting to say. i'm officially graduating june 8 as long as i pass my 3 classes this semester, which i don't see as being any kind of problem whatsoever. i'm soon to be seeking a job and am greatly enjoying how my earliest class is at 2:45 PM. heh. way to plan, g-dawg. well, i'm writing this from someone else's computer and can't think of things to say unless i'm alone so i'm gonna have to cut this short. but i will be catching up on reading everyone else's diaries as soon as i get a chance. i've missed like 50 days or something! i look forward to reading what's been going on in ya'll's lives, and i will be writing some real entries in here in the near future, so look out! see ya soon...

blueavenue at 10:11 p.m.

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