January 06, 2004

PHEW it's been awhile

man. i have been busy, i guess. i have totally forgotten to keep up with this since i got to dallas.

well, christmas was good. i got a new cell phone to replace the stinky nextel that mysteriously goes out of service when entering my neighborhood in queens. also got the trip to colorado, of course, and various odds and ends: a few cds, a couple dvds, and some clothes. hit the thrift store yesterday, but it was a rather dead day; not much luck. only spent 12 bucks as opposed to the semi-regular 50 or 60. oh well. i did find some woman's car keys hanging on a denim vest in the girls' section. she apparently had been looking for them for about 2 hours and she ran to me, hugged me, and said thank you about 43 times. so that was good. have been spending a lot of time with the family: with 3 siblings who all have kids, that's not a hard thing to do. there is always someone wanting to go to a movie or to dinner or to play games or something. tonight it's the ghingis grill (?) in north dallas. no idea, but they all like it. something about picking out your own meat before they cook it or something. sounds kind of weird if you ask me. well, gotta get back to work. (i'm working for my brother at his relatively new accounting office while i'm in town.) today in the trash bag of crumpled receipts from one small business (tax crap, you know), i came upon one receipt that had obviously been used to smash a spider at some point. EWW. the trash bag (not a very effective means of budget organization, if you ask me) also contained a used cigar and a used cigarette. HELLO!? anywho. i'll catch up more later bout the ski trip and all that. peace out for now. someone from vienna signed my guestbook!

blueavenue at 3:41 p.m.

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