November 01, 2003

i'm annoyed.

Things currently irritating me/stressing me out:

==the freaking crazy lady in painting who today accused me of calling her a "blow-job whore" among other things when I asked her to "please [not] take my picture." AND the fact that no one at this god-forsaken school seems to want to do anything about this person. (after all, she is "not well.")

==the freaking people downstairs whose lease was up in september but who haven't been paying rent in about 6 months and who the landlord can't get kicked out and who we had to call 911 on the other night because there was domestic violence going on.

==the freaking landlord/asian lady from next door, who on top of moving in THE most annoying/inconsiderate neighbors to ever walk the earth, AND being rudely nosy everytime she sees us, decided it would be o.k. to park in OUR driveway for an entire day last week. EXCUSE ME!

==our printer is broken, and norton anti-virus is nowhere to be found, and our computer keeps freaking out, and we'd like to know if there's a virus somewhere.

blueavenue at 5:25 p.m.

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