October 31, 2003

jack-o-lanterns are fun!

yesterday kristen, paul, mike and i had dinner and carved pumpkins. it was boys against girls. guess which is which. =)

i don't know exactly what we're doing tomorrow. i think k and i may go to dinner and a movie, which is sort of becoming a friday-girls'-nite tradition, i guess. also, k invited her new friend fran to come along from her music therapy class, so that'll be fun.

if only we could get this darn painting thing taken care of with the crazy lady. that school sucks. i will be writing letters to the officials of CUNY telling them how much it sucks and how they're not protecting our rights as students and other such things. not that it will change anything, but it will make me feel better.

blueavenue at 1:10 a.m.

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